Week 8 Update
I hope you've all had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend! I am so glad it's finally starting to cool off, and I can start enjoying the outdoors again! :)
I hope you've all had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend! I am so glad it's finally starting to cool off, and I can start enjoying the outdoors again! :)
We will start Prince Caspian on Monday. Please make sure your child brings in the book that has the same cover as the one shown in the sidebar section of this blog; it will make it easier for them to follow along in class. We will continue studying adjectives and classifying and diagramming sentences with them. The poem "The Violet" will be presented Friday, October 6th.
In math this week, we are wrapping up our study of the operations of whole numbers. We spend Friday reviewing these concepts and will continue to review in class on Monday. We will have a test on Tuesday (9/26). Our next topic of study coming at the end of the week is fractions!
In geology, we will continue studying earthquakes and begin tsunamis. There will be an assessment on these 2 subjects early next week (Oct. 2nd). The study guide will be handed out this week.
In history this week we will have a history test on Friday 9/29. The test will cover the Fall of Rome and the rise of Christianity. Study guides will be handed out on Monday and will be filled in throughout the week. Our focus this week is the study of the rise of the Christian Church after the Fall of Rome. We will explore the life of monks, the importance of monasteries and the missionaries who spread the religion throughout Europe.
Have a great week!!