Week 1
I'm so excited to begin the third quarter with your students! I enjoyed seeing many of you at conferences and I'm eager to see my class again and begin a fresh new quarter! One thing I love about teaching is that it has built in "re-start" times. no matter how your student felt or what grades they earned last quarter, this is a new one, with a chance to grow and develop even more!
On February 2, we will take our annual field trip to the MIM. Please look for an email coming soon with more details about this fun trip!
Academic overview:
On Monday and Tuesday of this week, each student will recite Paul Revere's Ride in front of the class as a culmination of their quarter-long project.
In ELA this week, we will learn about Point of View and begin working on informative and explanatory texts. We will continue to read and discuss Robin Hood, as well as recite Paul Revere.
This week in math, we will review the concepts we covered in the first semester, including place value, the operations of whole numbers, fractions, operations of fractions, and measurement.
In science, we will learn about forecasting and climate. We will compare weather and climate. There will be a quiz during the week of the 16th.
This week in history we will begin our study of African Kingdoms. We will focus on the geography of Africa including the countries of Africa as well as major mountains, rivers and other geographic features. We will then begin studying the Kingdoms of the Kush and the Aksum and how these kingdoms impacted Africa.
Have a great week!
I'm so excited to begin the third quarter with your students! I enjoyed seeing many of you at conferences and I'm eager to see my class again and begin a fresh new quarter! One thing I love about teaching is that it has built in "re-start" times. no matter how your student felt or what grades they earned last quarter, this is a new one, with a chance to grow and develop even more!
On February 2, we will take our annual field trip to the MIM. Please look for an email coming soon with more details about this fun trip!
On Monday and Tuesday of this week, each student will recite Paul Revere's Ride in front of the class as a culmination of their quarter-long project.
In ELA this week, we will learn about Point of View and begin working on informative and explanatory texts. We will continue to read and discuss Robin Hood, as well as recite Paul Revere.
This week in math, we will review the concepts we covered in the first semester, including place value, the operations of whole numbers, fractions, operations of fractions, and measurement.
In science, we will learn about forecasting and climate. We will compare weather and climate. There will be a quiz during the week of the 16th.
This week in history we will begin our study of African Kingdoms. We will focus on the geography of Africa including the countries of Africa as well as major mountains, rivers and other geographic features. We will then begin studying the Kingdoms of the Kush and the Aksum and how these kingdoms impacted Africa.
Have a great week!