Week 4 Overview


January has certainly flow by! I can't believe we're already at the fourth week of the quarter; I still feel like we just had Christmas break! We have our field trip to the MIM coming up on Friday of this week. Paying for the trip (on the payment portal) is also the permission slip. If you have not paid yet, please do so ASAP. If you have any problems or questions about this, please contact the office. It is important to be in the classroom by 8:00 at the latest so we can leave school promptly. Thank you!

Great Heart's Day (Valentine's Day)
Looking forward to January, please be aware that at Archway Lincoln, we will not celebrate Valentine’s Day as it is traditionally celebrated in schools, but will instead celebrate Great Hearts Day on Wednesday, February 14th. Our class will have a short celebration, the focus of which is on friendship and kind-heartedness, not gifts and candy.

Our classroom liaisons and I are plannin a celebration during which the students will enjoy activities that recognize what it means to be a good friend. Our hope is that each child is celebrated for the ways in which he or she demonstrates Friendship in our classroom and community.

Please remember that students are not to bring in any Valentine’s cards or treats for their classmates. We will take care of showing our appreciation for our friends during our party. If any student brings in Valentines or candy, we will need to put them in the backpack to be returned home.

Thank you for your consideration of this special day and the establishment of traditions here at Archway Lincoln!

Library Volunteers
Our lovely PSO has set up a system for volunteers to help with 4B's weekly library time. We need a parent volunteer to aid during our library time which is from 11:35-11:55 on Thursdays. You can help any capacity that you feel comfortable with...
* Read a book to the class
* Assist scholars looking for books
* Check books in and out of the computer system
* Shelve books

You do need to be fingerprinted to assist in this capacity. If you would like a quick training on the layout of the library, how to search for books or how to check books in and out of the computer you can contact Shannon Lee at library@archwaylincoln.org.

To sign up, just click the following link: http://signup.com/go/VDtAchZ. Thank you!

Academic Overview:

As we start The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, we will focus on theme, setting, and characterization. The students will be introduced to plot. Please make sure your child brings their book to school on Monday. On Friday, once we are back from the field trip, we will take the Spalding test and recite "Clouds".

In math this week, we will continue studying decimals by introducing the thousandths place. We will have a short quiz over decimal concepts covered in the last three weeks (tenths and hundredths) on Thursday. There will be a unit test on Friday, Feb. 9.

In science this week, we will continue to learn about the cardiovascular system. We will learn about the parts of blood and blood types.

This week in history we will take our Kingdoms of Africa quiz on Monday. On Tuesday we will begin our study of Arizona history. The focus of the week is the regions of the United States. Students will explore the 5 regions, their climates, landmarks, cultures and how they differ from Arizona.

Have a great week!

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