Week 8 Overview and Field Day Information


We have a lot going on during the last few weeks 3rd quarter! Field Day is March 8. Here's some information about that from Coach Horewitch (I bolded key information):
Archway Athletic Olympic Field Day will be held on Thursday, March 8. 
  • K - 2nd: 8:25 AM- 11:10 AM
  • 3rd-5th: 12:00 noon - 2:45 PM
Students must pack a lunch for school that day as hot lunch will NOT be offered. Students will also be permitted to wear athletic clothing to school that day (see below). Just as Archway provides guidelines for dress code in the classroom, it is important to project the image in our athletic attire also. Please refer to the Family Handbook for guidelines.
Each class has a team color and name, based on ancient Greece and surrounding city-states (our color is pink and our city is Croton), so students are encouraged to wear their class colors to represent their section. As always we are looking for volunteers to help organize and facilitate the athletic events. PSO  is handling this with a sign-up list.
Please email Coach H with any questions or concerns:  bhorewitch@archwaylincoln.org

As regards athletic clothing, the classroom liaisons and I have ordered pink T-shirts for the whole class that go with our theme of Croton (home of Pythagoras of Pythagorean Theorem fame!). See below for information from Mrs. Boag about that:
We are creating and ordering t-shirts for the class for field day. Our assigned class color is hot pink and we have designed a logo to go along with our theme and include our class name so that we can look like a team and have some fun with this. One of our class parents actually has a t-shirt printing business and will be helping with this venture. The cost of the t-shirt is $10 per student. You can send in $10 cash in an envelope marked with your child's name with your student to give to the teacher or you can pay class liaison, Leslie Boag, through electronic payment listed below: 
Paypal (pay a friend): LeslieBoag@hotmail.com
Venmo: Leslie-Boag
Chase QuickPay or Zelle: leslieboag@hotmail.com 
Please notate your student's name on your payment for tracking purposes!
Please send your payment ASAP by March 1st so that we can get these ordered and printed in time for field day on March 8!
I know that's a lot of information; thanks for reading it all!

Academic overview:

This week in ELA, we will have a quick check on chapters 8-15 and continue with character analysis in Wizard of Oz. We will introduce inferencing and practice identifying it. In grammar, we will learn about direct objects and review prepositions. 

This week in math, we will learn how to multiply and divide decimals. We will conclude our study of decimals next week with a unit test. 

In history this week we will learn about the ancient civilizations of Arizona. We will begin by focusing on the Paleo-Indians around 10,000 BC and their hunter-gatherer lifestyle. We will then focus on other ancient groups and discuss how their lifestyles changed when they began farming crops in Arizona. Students will learn about the major groups in the area including the Hohokam, Anasazi and build a small Hohokam dwelling. We will finish the week by learning about the Inca, Maya and Aztec empires. 

This week in science we will start our unit on electricity. We will learn about insulators, conductors, and static electricity. We will learn about the parts of a circuit and how the electrical current moves. There is a quiz on section 1 on Friday.

Have a great week!

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