Week 5 Update


I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! I had the chance to see the Phoenix Symphony on Friday night and it reminded me how fortunate we are to have so many amazing cultural opportunities available to us in the valley!

Dates to keep in mind:
AZ Merit Friday, April 20th - Day One of Reading and Math
AZ Merit Wednesday, April 25th - Day Two of Reading and Math

Academic Update:

In Literature, we’ll continue to follow Nat’s adventures as he learns how to navigate and trade. On Friday, we’ll spend some time learning how to create and use a simplified sextant.

This week in math, we will take two days to review all the geometry concepts we’ve covered this quarter and take the geometry unit test on Wednesday. The students will have a chance to make corrections to their tests in class on Thursday.

We will finish up our unit on magnetism and electricity with a test on Thursday. The students have their study guides which should be completed by Wednesday when we go over them in class.

In history this week, we will learn about the first battles of the American Revolution. We will read primary source accounts of the battles from the British and militia perspective and explore the sentiments felt by both after the first shots.

Have a great week!

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